If you were not a nurse, what other profession would be of interest to you? McBride Orthopedic Hospital


“An elementary school teacher. I actually enrolled in the prerequisites for pre-elementary education when my husband joined the military and we were sent to Spain. Terry Matlock, RN house supervisor

“I would want to be a national park forest ranger because you’re outside all the time and it’s beautiful surroundings. I think it would be fun.” Courtney Breckenridge, RN, charge nurse

“I really like public relations and marketing. I’ve worked in that area before and I’m going back and getting a nursing degree now. I always enjoyed working in that area.” David Morris, nurse tech, CNA

“I thought about being a speech pathologist to work with autistic kids or patients that have had strokes before. We have a family friend who has an autistic child. Sapana Patel, RN